Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Not-so Extreme Makeover

I am slowly but surely adding to my little cabin in the woods. This week I got a trunk I will try to use for a coffee table. My "great room" is about 25' x 25' and I have the majority of it in free space. I like things to be open but it has even seemed to be a bit barren to me...so here is the trunk...let me know what you think.

Also, I have had the same plaid patchwork quilt on my log bed for 10 years. It was a gift from the parents of some good friends that I met at Kanakuk. Keith and Hope West. Keith's mom has a little quilt shop in Culowee, NC and she gave me the quilt. But after a few years of rinse and spins in the old washer, it is ready to be retired. So I got this one...a bit more feminine but I really liked it and my "while you were out" friend, Elizabeth gave it a double thumbs up as did my "I think I will upgrade my kitchen this month" mom and my "I used to work in a furniture store and go to market" brother, all of whom have great taste. So here's to branching out and trying something new.


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Forrest and Elizabeth Williams said...

I like the trunk...may be a tad small...but maybe that's just the picture! Hard to tell! Way to 'home decorate' :) Proud of you! Keep it up :)

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Heidi McKee said...

Wow, Kim, what an honor to peek into your life! Your house is absolutely gorgeous and so are you!!! You look great. I loved to see pictures of you AND Trish! Do you still keep in touch with T-Hill? What's up with all of them? What about KelPat? Those were the good ole' days! Miss you girl, we definetly need to get together soon.


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