White House(s)
Well....Happy Spring! It has been about 2 months since I blogged - I have thought about it but just never seem to get around to it...so here it is...in condensed "Reader's Digest" version.
March 2008
I traveled with the Courtside Players to Albuquerque, NM to cheer on the Lady Bears in the NCAA tournament. Why, you might ask, with the Courtside Players? Well, the band director called and said he couldn't be in two places at once and would I consider going as the band sponsor with the women while he accompanied the men to the NCAA tournament in Washington DC. I tried to explain that I HAVE NO RHYTHM but he insisted that all I had to do was watch the game and when they were about to in-bound the ball, I would cut them off. Relying on the transferability of my skills, I likened this to calling a baserunner "SAFE" and crossing my arms then swinging them wide.
So, that is what I did...only the first time I did it - no one stopped playing. The second time I did it, I hit one of the cheerleaders in the forehead as he was coming off the court! Suffice it to say I could wear the t-shirt that reads: "WILL DO ANYTHING FOR NCAA TOURNAMENT TRIP."
April 2008
I decided to go up to Washington DC to see a friend of mine. She is working at the White House. I signed up for a tour of the East Wing which has the Library, the East Room, and the State Dining Room. They accomodate over 2000 visitors on weekdays...because the White House is "the people's house." All over the White House there are portraits of Presidents and First Ladies that line the corridors and hallways of the Ground and State floors. The State Dining Room was the most intriguing - to think about all the dignitaries from around the world who had eaten in that room. Carved into the fireplace mantel is a quotation from a letter by John Adams: "I pray Heaven to Bestow the Best of Blessings on THIS HOUSE and All that shall hereafter inhabit it. May none but Honest and Wise Men ever rule under this Roof."
Later that evening, we were honored to get to go on a tour of the West Wing of the White House. There is the Cabinet Room, the Situation Room, the Officer's Mess, the Press Briefing Room, and of course the Oval Office. As we stood in the hallway and looked into the Oval Office I saw a painting of George Washington (which always stays there), Abraham Lincoln (the choice of the sitting president) and a Larry Dyke painting of Texas Bluebonnets! There was also a rug that was in bright yellows, cream, and muted oranges with the Presidential Seal in the middle and bright rays of sun extending out. Bush said he wanted it to be a bright place full of positive thoughts and optimism that would remind him of the bright future of the United States of America.
Of course you already know that I live in Crawford - home of the eco-friendly "Western White House." That link has a tour given by Laura Bush a week or so ago. The inside is nice yet rustic and President Bush has hosted many foriegn dignitaries including Vladimire Putin (Russian President) in this picture.
In 10 days this beautiful land will host the wedding of his daughter, Jenna Bush. For a great write up please see EJ's blog HERE. Scroll down to "Historic Wedding Bells to Ring in Crawford."
I have had the honor of visiting the Western White House and meeting the President and First Lady during his first term. I could write a book on my impressions of George "W" Bush but I will simply say that he is a humble man who seeks God each day. He is not concerned with popularity or really politics - he gets up early each day and seeks God's wisdom on how to lead our nation. Etched in my mind is the picture of him on top of the rubble at Ground Zero in September 2001 giving that historic line: "America today is on bended knee in prayer..." To watch the bull horn speech click here.
To watch the post 9/11 speech click here. I leave you with his words:
Our Country is Strong...Great people are moved to defend a great nation.
They cannot dampen the steel of American resolve....NO ONE WILL KEEP OUR LIGHT FROM SHINING. We stand together...I ask for your prayers...